So after much deliberation, I decided to write about this. Today I will be talking extensively about weight woes and the power of words.
Most people don't know aside from the saying the pen is mightier than the sword, there is also something mightier than the pen and that is the WORD/SPEECH, what we say with our mouth.
Without diverting or losing track, I would say humans fail to realise how much their opinion and words have effect on other people. Some people are strong enough not to show it while some crumble easily at such words. There is a clear difference between a human being and being human. If you are human, you would be careful about the way you talk or say certain sensitive issues to people.
That being said, I will now talk about today's major concern. The battle of the weight. Yes the battle of the weight, this clearly shows that not only fat people struggle but also skinny people. The general conception is that every fat person hates being fat and would love to lose weight, some people think it's their doing from eating excessively, maybe it's true, maybe it's not. People generally believe thin people lose weight intentionally, nobody cares if that's how they are or even know if they are secretly trying to gain weight or maybe it's some sort of genetic thing or even a sickness, all they care about is labelling them as anoxeric or bulimic.
I don't know if most people are aware of the word 'Health Anxiety' or if they play close attention to this common disorder called 'depression'.
A person with health anxiety will fear the littlest thing and therefore the person is always sure that he/she is sick or will fall sick due to a past situation that might have triggered it or depression. Such person is very self conscious and saying things like 'Oh you are so fat' or 'Oh you are so lean now' such words that we assume carries little weight can be so vicious and may affect the perspn negatively, so many things are accompanied with having health anxiety, such patient may suffer severe panic attack and the list goes on.
Another factor is depression, this is also a strong factor and a two-way thing. A person suffering from depression could have unexplained weight loss or gain weight unexpectedly. Most people tend to ignore depression and that's why most victims are likely to keep to themselves instead of seeking help. Failure to address such cases often leads to tragic ends such as suicide or self harm. As simple as the word may sound, depression isn't something to take lightly, patients sometimes need people to trust and confide in without the fear of being judge or called crazy.
The other thing is a fat or thin person who feels repeatedly stigmatised or harrased because of the issue of weight loss or gain tend to suffer from depression. I know from the constant fear of wondering if you are sick or have a chronic illness and general sadness and anxiety all leading to depression, usually categorised under clinical depression.
Putting all this together, it's safe to say we all need to be careful about the way we talk because it strongly affects others. For example, Telling a child he/she is obese is definitely wrong because such child tend to remember hurtful words even after years passed. Or if such happens among peers, it is tagged as bully. So as humans, we need to be careful about the way we talk and how we say things. We might genuinely care about that person but there's always a better approach and way to go about it.
So please always remember to be careful. Your word could save or end a life. Imagine how scary that is, would you rather be a saviour or be troubled by the fact you killed someone with your obnoxious way of speaking. I hope after reading this, we can improve in our way of speaking and help those who need our help.
And to all those out there suffering from weight gain or weight loss. All I have to say is Love Yourself. Pay little attention to what people say and be happy. If it's something you can change, work towards it with a positive mind without hurting yourself. Remember to live life to the fullest and be happy.